all that one must do is to play safe, prioritizing health first, maintain a
good work-life balance, and adhere to the doctor’s advice. In this article, we
have presented the Do’s and Don’ts for having a safer pregnancy as you continue
to achieve greater heights in career as well!
Baby Loading!!!!
– an exciting phase of gestating a baby for nine months along with weird body
changes and countless Google searches!
women’s uterus expands during pregnancy and causes the abdominal muscles to
weaken. As the child continues to grow inside the womb, lower back pain is
experienced owing to lordotic posture owing to the weight gain in the belly area,
accompanied with other hormonal and biological changes. All these changes take
a severe toll on the body and is only recovered back to normalcy, a few months
post-delivery of the baby. To ensure healthy and safe pregnancy, birth, and
post-partum, it is necessary that every woman should start taking care as soon
as pregnancy is confirmed.
can be a bit harder, to manage, if a pregnant woman is working and continues to
do so. Studies have shown that working women have often faced miscarriage,
pre-term labor or any consecutive side effect that starts to show up
is no risk in working during pregnancy for most women with low-risk or minimal
complications. In a few situations: working with hazardous chemicals, fumes
or solvents, radiation, and physically demanding or continuous strenuous types of
work (standing, bending, climbing or lifting weight), is harmful for pregnant
women and their baby.
- “Stress”: Avoid getting stressed no matter what. Try
organising things beforehand to evade any unpleasant events at work. Take-up
on limited and simple tasks, which can be handled without much stress. In
simple words, at work or at home, maintaining a calm environment is favourable
to your health as well as baby’s development.
- Do not try to lift or
move heavy objects or things at work or at home. Try to stay grounded, as small
accidents can have bigger consequences. Try not to get to too excited or
anxious and be very mindful of your steps.
- The most common
advice: stay away from unhealthy habits. Now that you are pregnant, having good
health is should be the foremost priority. Most workplaces have decent coffee
serving, parties serving liquor, and aerated drinks. All of these are big NO!!!
It is also recommended to quit smoking as it can have detrimental effect on
oneself as well as on the baby.
- Minimal fashion: High
heels, perfectly fitting dresses are the go-to etiquette for presenting oneself
better at workplace. But when you’re pregnant, you wear a
heel, and trip down, lo!! That’s the last thing that you’ll ever want. Avoid getting sensitive with body changes that
occurs during this time, and wear what makes you feel comfortable!
- Pregnancy itself comes
along with sleep deprivation. Try not to hoard yourself with work, which will
want you to stay late at night. Proper sleep cycles and rest are much needed
during this period, to not exhaust or tire you out!
- Certain profession
involves chemicals: e.g., hair colour, salon nail paints, and laboratory chemicals,
which are harmful and hazardous when inhaled or exposed to, both the mother
and the baby.
- Driving is an
unnecessary risk and should not be taken during this time, as road safety needs
full attention. Make sure your seat belt is always fastened if you are driven or
driving by yourself to work. Make sure you travel safely and comfortably.
- Avoid sitting at one
place and exposure to bright screens for too long. This can affect the posture
and baby’s health. Take frequent breaks, strolls around in and around office
space, and stretch your arms and legs a bit, if possible, every few minutes.
- Talk it out: Talk and
take guidance from colleagues who had earlier chosen to work while they were
pregnant. It’ll be of immense help, as it’ll clear your head out of all the
queries and doubts. Do not hesitate to talk your apprehensions out and to ask
help. Being pregnant and working can be so overwhelming, and hence, take cues
on what your days in the future would be like.
- “Eating for two” is a common age old say, that we often
hear during this time. And it stands true, as your body is providing for you as
well as for your baby. This can leave you feeling starved for most of the time
throughout the day. Do bring your own small snack
which is healthier- fruits, nuts, salads etc., as, in the first few days’
nausea will also be hitting hard. The protein bar that you once loved, will now
be the one that triggers nausea!
- Keep a handful stash
of bland snacks, as they’ll help in nausea. Keep yourself away from smell and
fragrance that your body is currently averse to.
- Staying hydrated is
the key to keep you charged throughout the day! Apart from water, try including
fresh fruit juices as well as they are beneficial in many ways. Try to bring
bottled water from home, which is filtered, boiled and clean.
- Put technology to
effective use by setting reminders to pop your vitamin supplements on time. It
is common to forget sometimes as you’ll be caught up in a lot of things. Hence,
taking prescribed medicines and supplements at the proper time is vital for
your and baby’s health and proper growth.
- Working and being
pregnant can make your hands so full, leaving you with no time for certain
activities that you used to do before. Charting and preplanning can be so handy
in this situation, so that you can keep a balance, in taking care of health,
work and planning for little activities. This will help in de-cluttering your
mind and will make you confident and energetic, giving you the sense that
everything is do-able and in your control!
- Discuss about
maternity leave, policies, and other benefits with the concerned authorities.
Plan beforehand to effectively utilise this period for taking care of the
new-born as well as yourself. List out and start buying things that’ll be
needed during pre-labour and post-delivery period. It is also recommended to
keep a hospital bag ready, consisting of change clothes, baby diapers etc.,
which will be handy during and immediately after labour.
- Never skip any
appointments! As you continue to work, keeping an eye on baby’s growth is of utmost important. Taking doctor’s suggestion can also be helpful in easing out in handling this
situation, to efficiently manage health and work.
pregnancy is unique, and each job situation is different. All that one must do
is thoroughly research the policies and regulations of the workplace and can
procced to work safely throughout pregnancy and beyond as well, as most of
offices/workplaces are not completely equipped and do not provide the easiness
and comfort which we get in home.
happily offer help to expecting women! So, sit back and relax a bit and enjoy
every moment of this bliss! You may seek help from our home healthcare service provider if you are feeling restless often!